Saturday, January 14, 2017

Editing Websites Online - Tips for Success

There comes a time in the life of every website when the content must be updated or a change made. In fact, it is recommended that you refresh your content every quarter so that you can keep your clients interested. This can mean changing the content completely or adding new content pages. Whichever you prefer, editing websites online should be a piece of cake if you have the right tools at your disposal.

How easy it is to do a web page edit online will depend largely on the setup you started out with. If you used a good website builder, editing your site or adding content pages should be fairly simple. However, if you used a poor site builder, you may have problems in getting your website edited in just the way you want. This is why it is important to check out this feature of a web builder before you reach the point of needing to edit the site. Regardless, there are some very important tips for success you should know before you edit a single page.

    Most web editors do not save your previous web page, but rather save over it when you make changes. Therefore, it is important that you do not change anything that you are not absolutely certain about. Make changes slowly, carefully and deliberately. Do not save any changes if something is not the way you want it to look. This is the only way you can go back to what you had before, is if you do not save your changes to the page. For example, if you added text and it caused a graphic to look awkward, don't save your changes until you get the graphic looking the way you want it to again.

    Editing websites online is tricky because you can only change so much based on the web builder. Make sure your expectations are not too high, and be flexible in design decisions. Otherwise you could become very frustrated over the layout of your page.

    When adding content pages, make sure that you use the correct template format for the page, just as you would when starting a website. Make sure all links are valid and work properly. In addition, you will need to double check the navigation to the new web page. Most web editors will automatically add your new page to the end of the list of pages in the site, and you probably don't want it there. You may need to move the page to where it makes sense in the navigation of the site. This can usually be done easily through navigation tools included with the site builder. If you have any problems with the navigation you should contact tech support for assistance so that your site is easily navigated by your site visitors.

    When editing your shopping cart be certain that you do not delete any products that you may want to bring back later. Instead, drop the inventory amount to zero so that it will show as sold out. This way you do not have to add it again later. You should also double check your shopping cart to make sure that all information is accurate and correct.


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